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Catapulting Commissions Sales Talk with Anthony Garcia

May 20, 2020

Today’s episode is a special one--it’s a solo episode with your host, Anthony Garcia. This week, Anthony is diving into sales culture, what it is, and why having a dynamic sales culture should be important to you. He’s been in the sales industry for years now and has experienced all the good that comes from sales culture. But his time in the industry has also shown him what poor sales culture looks like and the detriments it can have on results. When sales culture takes a pivot into a negative space and no longer facilitates growth, it’s time to look introspectively. Tune in to hear Anthony break down everything no one ever told you about sales culture.


Recently, Anthony published an article in Forbes about sales culture. He recaps 4 keys strategies for creating a successful sales culture because it doesn’t by accident.


  1. Get buy-in from everyone. Everyone you interact with needs to be onboard for building a mantra that your team stands for. If you talk about culture being relevant, stick with it. Don’t make culture-building activities expendable—culture helps with retention!

  2. Create trust and transparency at every level. Salespeople must be able to trust that management will deliver at all times. This means delivering quality products and using or creating resources to eliminate obstacles and objections. When sales representatives feel they aren't hearing the truth, it can instantly destroy even the most formidable culture.

  3. Show your team members that you value them. Every salesperson wants to feel valued for their contributions. It's easy to acknowledge top performers, but the other sales representatives are often neglected. This can have a serious impact on culture. Instead of emailing all of your team members at once, consider making personal weekly gratitude calls. These calls show your frontline warriors that you value their presence on your team. Even when there are members of your team who aren’t making you money, they deserve to be on your team and they are part of your professional circle. Remind them how important they are.

  4. Develop Culture Warriors. As companies grow and scale, you need to have a distinct plan in place to maintain your dynamic sales culture — and what Anthony calls "culture warriors" can help you do it. Typically, these culture warriors are middle managers or leadership development candidates. Your organization's senior leaders are responsible for breathing the fire of culture into their culture warriors, who in turn breathe that fire into the rest of your salesforce.


The heart of your organization is your salesforce. These team members are the ones on the front lines and the ones who are praised when revenue is high; they're also the first ones who are asked for results when revenue projections aren't being met. If you want to keep your organization healthy, it is essential to protect your heart. Ensure that your dynamic sales culture is never compromised and that it's always a focus.


Things you’ll learn

In today’s episode, Anthony breaks down 4 key strategies for building a dynamic, successful sales culture. He talks about getting buy-in from your team, creating trust through transparency, reminding your team that they are valuable, and developing ‘culture warriors.’

