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Catapulting Commissions Sales Talk with Anthony Garcia

Oct 12, 2022

In today's competitive sales world, it's essential to be unique and uncopyable. However, this isn't always easy - your product or service might just be good enough and not that different. But what sets you apart is what you offer as your total package. In today’s episode, Kay and I will be discussing the secrets to becoming Uncopyable in sales so that you can create an unfair advantage over your competition!

You will also learn:

  • How to find your niche target market
  • Should you ignore the other market?
  • How can your product mean to your customer
  • Persevering in sales
  • How to build your credibility
  • How can you be different?
  • Resources to help you stand out in sales

About Kay Miller

Kay Miller was the first woman ever hired for outside sales by Amaranth, a division of Anchor Hocking. She was later hired by Walker Exhaust, the largest automotive muffler manufacturer in the world. At Walker, Kay was named “Salesperson of the Year” and earned the nickname “Muffler Mama.”

Kay’s been a top performer in sales ever since, and now she consults and speaks to help others find more success in sales. Kay is the author of the recently published book “Uncopyable Sales Secrets: How to Create an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition.

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